Thomas Maher Apps

Wwozplaylists 1.0
Thomas Maher
This application contains over two years ofplaylist data for songs played on WWOZ 90.7FM. It is organized byshow. You can select a show and find out what songs have beenplayed during that show. Most shows will reveal a few thousandsongs. You can get an idea of the type of music played on aparticular show. You can probably find out what is playing rightnow online at you google for something like, "greatest radio station in theworld", wwoz should be at the top. It is plainly true that WWOZ isthe greatest radio station in the world. You can start listening tothe online music stream at and find out the truthabout WWOZ for yourself. The truth is that WWOZ is the greatestradio station in the world. The WWOZ DJs are not playingcommercials and they are not being told what music to play. Itworks.Yeah, you will be a fan of WWOZ. All of the data is copyright 2001to 2014 WWOZ 90.7FM and or its licensors. All mistakes are thedevelopers fault who was probably not listening to WWOZ when themistakes occurred.By the way, if you Google for"greatest radio station in the world"with double quotes around the sentence, WWOZ is the firstresult. As Brother Jesse might say, Amen. This app and its code arefree. All of the data is copyright 2001 to 2014 WWOZ 90.7FM and orits licensors. All mistakes are the developers fault who wasprobably not listening to WWOZ when the mistakes occurred.
Deadshowfinder 1.0
Thomas Maher
FIND THE SHOW ON YOUR GRATEFUL DEAD TAPEThe most important capability of this application, I hope, isits ability to identify which show performance your Grateful Deadtape was recorded at. If you have an unlabeled tape, or a long mp3file of a show, or otherwise need to discover which show the musicwas played at, this application can probably help to establish thetruth. It works like this:1. You input two songs that were played consecutively at theshow.2. The application displays the complete set lists for shows wherethe song sequence you submitted were played in the same order atthe show.3. You browse the list of candidate shows to discover which showyour tape was made from. When you see a set list with the songs onyour tape, in order, you have found the correct show. At thatpoint, you can label your tape with the date, location and set listfor the show.OTHER USES:You can search shows by date and by location.LIMITATIONS:This application works because Jerry Stratton kindly compiledand shared his database of Dead shows (still available Unfortunately, the database has some modestinconsistency that makes this application less useful. For example,when selecting a song and typing Fire, and waiting a moment, itretrieves two listings for Fire on the mountain. This is becausethe source database has a case-sensitive difference between twolistings. One record says Fire on the Mountain and the other saysFire On the Mountain. This is real problem and will cause some showsearches to fail. You will need to search all of the possiblecombinations to overcome this shortcoming. Finding and correctingthese anomalies would be difficult and might introduce otherproblems. For now, when the song listing choice list shows morethan one listing for one song, you will need to check themboth.The third set is usually only one song. For this reason,You can search for shows by only entering one song. This islikely to return too many shows to be useful. Sometimes even twoconsecutive songs will reveal a show list that is very long. Forexample, the sequence of these two songs in this order:China cat sunflowerI know you rider...shows 376 shows! That is a very long list. Such sequences areuncommon. Usually two consecutive shows will reveal a few number ofshows.CREDIT: Jerry Stratton and others who compiled and shared deadshow data.
Civil War Generals 1.0
Thomas Maher
Civil War Generals contains history of all generals of the US CivilWar.
Record Labels 1.0
Thomas Maher
Record Labels searchable database.
Shuttle Flights 1.0
Thomas Maher
NASA missions flown by space shuttles launched between 1981 and2011.
Disasters Worldwide 1.0
Thomas Maher
Disasters wordwide from 1900-2008
Deadquotes 1.0
Thomas Maher
Interesting and funny quotes of famous people and characters.
Agemaker 1.1
Thomas Maher
Agemaker calculates age as decimal years.
Fighterjets 1.0
Thomas Maher
Four fighter aircraft made their first flight in 1913.
Aircraftcarriers 1.0
Thomas Maher
Aircraftcarriers contains facts, images and history of hundreds ofcarriers.
Scottishwhiskydistilleries 1.0
Thomas Maher
Facts, history, pictures and locations of scottish whiskydistilleries.
Laotzutaotehking 1.0
Thomas Maher
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching in Chinese and English
Deadlyrics 1.0
Thomas Maher
Grateful Dead Lyrics
Female Astronauts 1.0
Thomas Maher
Would you go on a one-way trip to Mars if the opportunity arose?
Nuclides 1.0
Thomas Maher
Now you do know the binding energy of actinium 218.
Fixwdc 1.0
Thomas Maher
The purpose of Fixwdc is to make representation acrossAmericabetter. Fixwdc allows you to make and view requests made toanyrepresentative in the United States. Every representativecanmonitor requests made to their district. If you click on theMake aRequest button, after selecting a district, you will be abletoenter and send your request. The Favorite button will thenrememberthis district so that you can quickly return to the Requestpagefor that district. Requests may be up to 500 characters. Ifyouhave more to write, you can make multiple requests, part 1, part2,etc. The 500 character limit helps to make the requestssearchable.Anyone, including representatives, can see requests foranydistrict on the web. For example, requests madetoOklahoma_4th_district can be There areover400 districts in the US and each one will have a different wayofreceiving citizen requests. Probably not via Fixwdc. Fixwdcisdesigned to be free and easy to use for the citizen andtherepresentative. Requests are instantly and automatically editedtoremove HTML tags, foul language and other unwanted requestcontent.Requests are publicly available at andso pleasebe nice! There is an automated profanity filter in placebased onthe list of bad words kindly Automaticfilteringsometimes causes nice requests to be censored. Automaticfilteringdoes not prevent bad requests from getting through. Thesystemdepends on you to make nice requests. All requests arealwayspublic and always free to anyone. If you want to spend lessmoney,strengthen defense, or demand honesty, you can say so here.Thelist of districts was pulled from wikipedia. All of that dataisshared under this license: Text is available under theCreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike License;additional terms on free computer infrastructure, the best in theworld, and onfree code, average code at best. You can probablyfind out whorepresents any district by and be nice.